Exclusive Mettler Traction Decompression training
The Faculty of Physical therapy held a condensed training for the exclusive Mettler Traction Decompression that provides cervical & lumbar traction by exerting therapeutic pulling forces on the patient’s body with enhanced reliability and ease of use.
The MTD traction system offers static ,intermittent and cyclic traction with user definable hold,rest and treatment times.Reviews of recent popular medical literature revealed that the clinical results of Spinal Decompression Therapy have been effective in over 75% of the people receiving this treatment and most patients find long-term relief and effective management of their pain upon completion of the entire program of treatments.
It’s mainly used to help relieve peripheral radiation/sciatica and pain associated with:herniated discs, spinal root impingement, bulging discs,hypomobility degenerative disc disease, compression fractures and all facet joints problems.