Board of Study and Student Representation.
The purpose of the board of study is to provide a forum for discussion between students and staff involved in all aspects of the course.
The membership includes:
– Chair (Dean).
– Director of Quality Assurance.
– Director of Student Affairs.
– Advising and Registration Manager.
– Relevant course leaders.
– Student Representatives.
– Support Services Representatives.
– Secretary to take the minutes.
The students volunteer as representatives at the start of each academic year and students’ affair ensures that all various interests on the course are represented. Student representatives are responsible for notifying the board with the students concerns, suggestions and complains. A meeting is held during each semester normally in the weeks 6-8 as declared in the quality assurance calendar. Dates of the board of studies are published on MSA website. The agenda must include all obligatory items but further items suggested by student representatives and members of the committee should be added where appropriate. The minutes should cover all agenda items and include a summary of the main points of discussion and an action/outcomes list. Any actions required should include the timescale, the name of the person responsible and when a report back to the board is expected, they should also include progress of actions from the previous minutes.