Advertising and PR Graduation Projects 2021
Discussed and tackled the most prominent and relevant issues in the Egyptian society, MSA University and the Faculty of Mass Communication would love to congratulate the Advertising and Public Relations students for their graduation projects which exceeded all expectations as significant cultural, psychological, environmental, and even economical topics were presented.
The topics served the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations for the peace and prosperity of the people and the environment as 7 out of 17 goals were discussed within the projects as the students created campaigns to raise awareness, called for action to responsible consumption and well- being and enlightened solutions and recommendations to contribute to their communities and country.
Their online presentations were examined by panelists from the professional field and academics that admired their valuable researches and efforts.
- Professor Dr. Maha ElTarabishi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Faculty of Mass Communication, MSA University.
- Dr. Hanan Ghaly, Advertising Strategies Lecturer and a co-supervisor for IMC graduation projects at MIU, Misr International University.
- Dr. Dalia Abdullah, Professor at the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Mass Communication and Chairman of the Board of the Department of APR. Department at Cairo University.
- Mrs. Sherine Altohamy, Social Media and Content Director at Ingredients Egypt & UMS.
MSA wishes the best to all students and graduates