As Steve Jobs once said “Every One Should Learn How to Code, It teaches you how to Think” and Our Amazing and Creative CS senior students have discussed various topics at their graduation discussions due to their amazing thinking skills …
Congratulations to Dr. Ali Khater and Eng. Shereen El-Feky for being Awarded the IBM Badges and Certificates of “Predictive Analytics Modeler – Mastery Award” On 23 Jan 2020. and Congratulations to Dr. Amr El magraby and Dr. Moataz Samy for being Awarded the IBM Badges and Certificates of “Cloud Application Developer …
Dr. Nawal El-Degwi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MSA University is feeling proud to congratulate and praise the students and graduates of the university who won prizes and first places in many international competitions, entrepreneurship, tournaments and both …
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), it is the future of computing and machines, for example self driving cars is just the start of a new era where A.I takes over a lot of daily tasks. In “Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) BootCamp” the …
October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) congratulates Prof. Dr. Ali Hamed El Bastaweesy, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University, for the membership of the Computers and Information Sector Committee for private universities for …
In an Era where every second counts and speed is everything the Digital Transformation is a necessity for everyone today in business & personal life so MSA held the “Technological Leverage For Digital transformation of Egyptian Manufacturing” today to keep …
Computer Science inverts the normal. In normal science, you’re given a world, and your job is to find out the rules. In computer science, you give the computer the rules, and it creates the world. CS faculty introduced a marvelous …