“Programming is not about typing, it is about thinking”- Rich Hickey
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites MSA Students to attend a lecture titled “Kotlin” given by the expert Eng. Mohamed Elsdody from ITWorx.
This session will give an introduction about:
- What is kotlin ?
- History of Kotlin
- Developing Kotlin
From Java To Kotlin:
- Introducing Kotlin To an existing project
- “Hello, world” example, Variables, Functions, Named & default arguments
Control Structures:
Conditionals: if & when, Loops, ‘in’ checks & ranges, Kotlin playground: Checking identifier, Exceptions
- Extension Functions
- Examples from the Standard Library
- Kotlin playground: sum as an extension function
- Calling Extensions
- Importance of extensions
- Nullable types
- Nullable types under the hood
- Kotlin playground: Checking whether string is null or empty
- Safe casts
- Kotlin playground: Safe casts
Importance of nullability:
- Functional Programming:
- Lambdas
- Common Operations on collections
- Operations Quiz -1
- Operations Quiz -11
- Kotlin playground: Interchangeable predicates
- Function Types
- Member References
- Return from Lambda
- Is Kotlin a functional language ?
This session is an opportunity that computer science students shouldn’t miss!