Faculty of Arts and Design Receives Excellence Award at Food Industry Exporters Conference
Crowning a successful partnership between the Faculty of Arts and Design, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, and the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, represented by the Food Industries Export Council, and in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Mr. Hassan Al-Khatib, Chairman of the Food Industries Export Council, Mr. Hani Barzi, and Executive Director of the Food Industries Export Council, Ms. Mai Khairy, during the activities of the first conference for food industry exporters, Professor Dr. Tarek Saleh, Dean of the Faculty, was presented with the Excellence Award for the Faculty of Arts and Design as one of the main partners of the Council, in appreciation of the role of the Faculty, represented by the Department of Graphics and Media Arts, in supporting and qualifying many Egyptian food products for export in various fields:
- Branding
- Packaging
- Promoting
Sincere thanks and appreciation to the faculty members, students and graduates who contributed to:
- Egypt Dates Logo Design Competition
- Design of packaging and packaging materials for medicinal and aromatic plants
- The university’s winning for five consecutive years in multiple positions in the Arab Star Pack Competition